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Acclimating your Corals to LED Lights

Wednesday, 15 January 2020 2:51:13 AM Pacific/Auckland

A big issue many reef hobbyists encounter when using new LED aquarium lights is coral bleaching and proper light acclimation.
Acclimating your Corals to LED Lights Coral bleaching is when a coral loses its symbiotic zooxanthellae (what gives them color). When corals are "stressed," they often expel their zooxanthellae, leading to a lighter or completely white appearance (hence, why we call it "bleaching"). In nature, it can be caused by a multitude of factors, including:

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Posted in LED Aquarium Lights news By Michael D

Benefits of Using LED Grow Lights In The Farming Sector

Sunday, 9 December 2018 1:31:34 AM Pacific/Auckland

1% of all electricity use in the United States is towards indoor gardens. How can we limit our use and still produce?
LED grow lights are becoming a hot trend in the farming area due to the multiple benefits delivered by LED lighting technology. It is basically used for viable urban agricultural practices. One important reason behind the growth of LED technology is our increased awareness towards global warming. LED lights are used for lighting different areas including offices, streets, airport and other latest technologies such as TV, smart phones and computers. LED technology has also delivered great results in greenhouse settings. When it comes to the farming sector, plants grow well in a greenhouse setting. It is important to ensure accurate temperature and brightness to facilitate the process of photosynthesis. Over the last few years research conducted on LED grow lights has emphasized on enhancing the use of LED grow lights in farming. This has lead to the introduction of grow light kits which are easy to install and use.

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Posted in LED Grow Lights news By M Mike


Tuesday, 16 October 2018 1:16:43 AM Pacific/Auckland

When I first started to look into what I would need to create my own successful grow operation I didn’t think there would be too much to it. I was well aware that I would need some lights and some kind of appropriate structure for growing plants in, but I figured that was about it. As it turns out, that was just the beginning – there’s a lot more involved with growing plants indoors and if you don’t take the time to create the right environment for your plants you won’t have a lot of success.

Indoor grow operations require several things to be successful including lighting, the appropriate amount of humidity, proper ventilation to ensure CO2 levels are maintained, a controlled temperature, and, of course, there are safety concerns to consider as well. If you put all of these things in place and use them in the right way there is no reason that you can’t grow plants indoors that are as healthy as outdoor plants.

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Posted in Hydroponic System News By M Mike